This is one part of my real livingroom. I have made everything myself.
The Tv is a picture from internet that I have scaled to the right size.
plant is made of grape twigs (is that the right word for it??) that I
have glued painted paper on to. It´s ok but I could have made more of an
efford on the plant to make it more like the original.
photos is photographed when they were up on the shelf and then changed
in photoshop, then I printed the small pictures and glued them on
cardboard and painted black on the back and sides.
The shelf is made of two ice cream sticks I glued together in the center.
har jag fotat när dom var uppe på hyllan och sen ändrat i photoshop,
sen har jag skrivit ut dom små bilderna och klistrat fast dom på kartong
och målat svart på baksidan och på sidorna.
Here you see it in full scale and miniature =) Its sooo fun to see everything become so small!

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