Thursday, August 7, 2014

Sooo many new readers =)


Recently, the number of readers has increased pretty much. It's really really fun to know that people are reading my blog and they seem to like it =)  

But I dont know if the increase is due to the pinterest links available or if it is because I started with Blythe and many from Facebook groups found the blog through the links on my photos. 
I dont know if many think it is fun to see my stuff that I do in 1: 6, or if maybe I should take a break from it and do some other scales for a while?
What do you like to see on my blog? Please write a little what you think!

to you all, I'm so glad you found my blog =) Take care!


  1. Congrats on all the new readers!

  2. Hi Anna! I have seen you do a number of different scales since I joined your blog and all of them you do very well! I think that the answer that I would give to your about what you should next is this.... do what makes YOU feel happy and your fans will follow. What do you most enjoy Anna?

